on Tuesday February 12th at 7:30PM -- Shoney's University Place....

Metrolina Paranormal Research is interested in the
spiritual and scientific study of paranormal and metaphysical phenomenę.
We are not driven to either prove or disprove the events which we study.
We wish only to objectively explore the unexplained. While a typical
"ghost hunter" is interested simply in finding and experiencing a
paranormal event, we are interested in understanding such phenomenę.
MPRL welcomes believers and skeptics alike. We
feel that a balance will provide us with greater objectivity. We sometimes
accept requests to examine an event or location; feel free to suggest
investigations if you wish.
MPRL meets in "real time" every other
Tuesday night in Charlotte North Carolina to discuss interests, explore recent
reports and findings, and to plan further explorations. We're not an RPG,
cyber-group, or religious group.
In addition to our regular meetings, we plan outings
throughout Western North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina to investigate
reports of the paranormal and to conduct experiments designed to explain what we
have observed. Some of our findings can be found on our reports
page. Some of our findings are not on the reports
page because they are not "ready for prime time" yet...
"while most people believe in 'spirits';
those same people don't believe you and I have ever seen one..."

MPRL is an IGHS member club






Interested in joining us?
We maintain communication through a
list at YahooGroups. Metrohauntings@YahooGroups.Com
is our primary means of communication.
"I ain't 'fraid of no ghost"