Devils Tramping Ground

Metrolina Paranormal Research

Charlotte North Carolina
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On Sunday, December 2nd, 2001, we visited the site of the Devil's Tramping Ground [near Siler City North Carolina off of Hwy 902]  following an earlier preliminary visit by Andi.  Participating on this exploration were Carson, Betty, Leonard, Andi, and Jonathan.  Our equipment included digital and film cameras, EMF detectors, and a simple measuring tape.  We arrived at the site about 1:30PM EST.

Our EMF detectors did not read anything at all during this visit.  On arrival we found a fairly non-descript clearing about 25 yards off the road in a small wood of mixed pine/hardwoods.  At the center of the clearing was the remains of a campfire still warm from use within the past 72 hours but devoid of firewood.  The area around the campfire extending in a radius of about 7 feet was covered fairly deeply (about 1") with ash and soot from what we assume to be repeated campfires in this spot over a long (many years) period of time.  That circle of seven foot radius (14' diameter) was barren of growth as might be expected the result of heavy traffic and the layer of ash from repeated campfires.  The area inside and around the Devil's Tramping Ground was heavily strewn with refuse including beer cans and common litter.  Near the entrance to the clearing was the decaying carcass of a deer.  It could be said that if this is a frequent location of visits by Satan himself then it appears his preferred beer is Budweiser®  and that he smokes Marlboro® cigarettes.  

Measuring the circle, which is reported by most studies as a "forty foot perfect circle" in which no plants will grow and items left within are mysteriously removed, we found that a twenty foot expansion radius placed us clearly into the underbrush in most areas and into the tree line in others.  Comparing our observations to a photograph copyrighted in the late 1950s we found that it is clear that the plant growth line has encroached into what may have been a forty foot circle at that time but which extends only about fourteen feet (seven foot radius) now.  There was clear indication that objects placed within the forty foot circle do not mysteriously disappear but instead remain as litter.  Large amounts of broken glass, cigarette butts, beer cans, and even very old "pop-tops" were found throughout the area as was limited grass and underbrush growth.  Along one edge of the circle, the underbrush has encroached to within 5 feet.

There is a well marked system of trails radiating outward from the area of the circle in which we found further debris (especially beer cans) and two camp fire sites.  The amount of debris and clarity of trail dramatically decreases the further outward you travel along the trails to a point where the regularly traveled trailworks end at about 3/4 miles.  We hypothesize that this circle is entirely too close to the road to be the location of Pagan ritual and is more likely simply a local "spooky" gathering place frequented by teens.

Our conclusions are:

The circle is neither 40 feet in diameter nor a "perfect circle".
There was no indication of unexplained or paranormal activity while we visited.
The "sterile" area around the center of the circle can easily be explained by both the amount of ash on the ground and the obvious high traffic the area receives.  Whether salinity plays a part (as is presented as a possible explanation by some researchers) is not as material as the fact that there is considerable indication of ash and heavy traffic on the site.
We feel that this is a "self perpetuating myth" resulting from the high traffic into the site and the effect of the frequent campfires on the ground surrounding the site.

Further study of this site is not indicated unless the group would like to spend the night for an overnight impression or install hidden digital video imaging to observe night activity.

This document may be freely reproduced in its entirety provided that it is attributed to Metrolina Paranormal Research - Charlotte NC; otherwise, all rights are explicitly reserved.
© 2001 MPRL Charlotte

© 2000-2002 Metrolina Paranormal Research Charlotte North Carolina
all rights reserved.
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Andrea "Andi"; our Secretary

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