Settlers Cemetery

Metrolina Paranormal Research

Charlotte North Carolina
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01/27/2001 - Background:

In the block of Charlotte which is surrounded by Church Street, 5th Street, and 6th Street.

Settler's Cemetery is among the oldest in uptown Charlotte and has historically been the location of reported anomalous activity.  A history of the cemetery was sent to the for review prior to a preliminary visit to consider further investigation of the area and the historic buildings which surround it.


01/27/2001 - Preliminary Visit:

The visit was certainly productive as an introduction to the uptown Charlotte area and the multitude of potential research locations.  This visit included Carson, Betty, Janine, Andi, Chris, Lisa, and several guests including a TV camera crew and a High School student researching for a paper.

There was some discussion of a seeming anomaly in a Polaroid image taken by Janine which was later identified as a sign which had become visible in the viewfinder.  Chris, Lisa, and Janine visited the Dunbar Hotel and conducted an interview with some staff there -- further study of the Dunbar is indicated.  

In light of the anomalies in the above image and the general feelings of those present, a night visit at Settlers is certainly indicated.  City ordinance seems to close this park at sundown so any after-dark study will require cooperation of the City of Charlotte.

More to come.........


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